Posts by Kirthi Nath:

Off the Mat

Rise 2018
Risings took place around the globe with a call for solidarity, a call for system change – the change of mindsets, the change of structures, the change in consciousness, awareness and understanding of violence, the change in policies that affect women economically, socially, sexually, physically, emotionally, and the end of the revolving patterns of domination, oppression and exploitation. SOLIDARITY IS RADICAL CONNECTION. This revolution demands vision, community, trust, commitment, courage, belief, hope and LOVE.
Directed and Edited by Cinemagical Media / Kirthi Nath
Filmed by activists and filmmakers from all over the world
Motion Graphic Design by Galya Kay
Packard Foundation
More Women Leaders Needed Everywhere
We’re living in a historic moment. More women than ever are running for office. We need more women leaders everywhere AND we need leaders who reflect our values. What is possible when we uplift intersectional feminism and women of color voices? We went into the field and asked women at the Oakland Women’s march – what kind of women do you you want to see in leadership? What are the values you want to see reflected? How can we be the ones we have been waiting for? Now is the time for these important conversations and our actions. Time to lead: More Women Leaders Needed Everywhere.
If you are on Facebook, please share this video on Facebook with your friends. Link to Faecbook Post: http://bit.ly/WomenLeadersFilm
To screen this video with your community (offline/online), conference of school, let’s connect: https://cinemagicalmedia.com/contact
If you share this video online, you may do so with permission if you credit: A film by Kirthi Nath and Cinemagical Media (https://cinemagicalmedia.com)
In social media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CinemagicalMedia
Twitter: @kirthinath @Hi_Cinemagical
Instagram: @kirthimagic @cinemagicalmedia
Kenneth Rainin Foundation SEEDS of Learning program
The Kenneth Rainin Foundation approached us wanting us to capture stories highlighting the impact the SEEDS of Learning program had on its teachers and students. We decided to create a series of videos interviewing teachers from different Oakland Head Start programs who had gone through the program, to hear first hand what was so powerful about this training experience. We were so inspired by these teachers and hearing their candid, honest stories. We bet you will be too.
This video features Enriqueta Cruz, teacher at Frank G. Mar Head Start in Oakland. She shares how the Seeds program is boosting up teachers, students and parents…watch the whole thing to hear a touching story of this impact also ripples to people on a bus.
Watch more videos from this series and find out more about the Seeds program http://krfoundation.org/…/…/seeds-of-learning/who-uses-seeds
Solidarity to End the Exploitation of Women
1 in 3 women across the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. That’s ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. Every February through March 8th, Risings take place in hundreds of countries across the world and within local communities.
Join Us! Rise, Disrupt, Connect!
www.onebillionrising.org #1BillionRising #RiseInSolidarity
Directed and Edited by Kirthi Nath
Mercy Housing: Stories from Arlington
Risings took place around the globe with a call for solidarity, a call for system change – the change of mindsets, the change of structures, the change in consciousness, awareness and understanding of violence, the change in policies that affect women economically, socially, sexually, physically, emotionally, and the end of the revolving patterns of domination, oppression and exploitation. SOLIDARITY IS RADICAL CONNECTION. This revolution demands vision, community, trust, commitment, courage, belief, hope and LOVE.
Directed and Edited by Cinemagical Media / Kirthi Nath
Filmed by activists and filmmakers from all over the world
Motion Graphic Design by Galya Kay
In contrast
Maecenas luctus aliquet risus ac feugiat. Curabitur enim mi, placerat sit amet porttitor ac, mollis lobortis elit. Cras sit amet erat eget dolor varius tristique. Duis eu nisl tortor. Mauris pulvinar metus eget nulla adipiscing consectetur.
Starry Night
Nam quam arcu, imperdiet eget vehicula in, luctus id eros. Duis bibendum egestas pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Another portrait
Pellentesque consectetur laoreet ipsum, eu ullamcorper sem fermentum vitae. Nullam varius tortor vitae tortor malesuada ac tristique odio sagittis.
Travel light
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse odio dui, accumsan ornare fringilla eget, tempor sed justo.
The Collection
Morbi sed nunc in odio dapibus laoreet. Fusce varius eros bibendum velit cursus semper. Nulla blandit sodales felis vel tincidunt. Nulla adipiscing lobortis purus a fermentum.
Working hard
Aenean ligula tortor, porttitor quis eleifend at, rhoncus et magna. Vestibulum diam ipsum, pulvinar id venenatis nec, tempor adipiscing quam. Nullam vel nisi dui, ac molestie arcu. Duis bibendum egestas pulvinar.
Maecenas convallis tempus nisl, vitae interdum ligula posuere eget. Vestibulum in felis eget tortor ornare egestas at sed diam. Etiam lorem elit, mattis at scelerisque sed, vulputate at mauris.
Cras mattis ante eu lorem rutrum eu congue leo bibendum. Nam nisi turpis, dapibus at hendrerit et, faucibus in lectus.
Sunny Day
Nam non turpis eu nisi condimentum auctor. Fusce mauris mi, ullamcorper et interdum rutrum, pharetra id nulla. Nunc posuere dictum velit interdum convallis. Etiam consectetur orc.
The Couch
Donec mattis dapibus eros non adipiscing. Mauris sodales cursus sapien eget consequat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
A New Day
In euismod quam sit amet arcu tempor nec fermentum neque adipiscing. Fusce sit amet cursus felis. Morbi tristique odio eu tortor iaculis auctor. Donec convallis dui sit amet metus hendrerit.
Lightbox Link
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fermentum aliquam molestie. Duis suscipit mollis massa, a auctor est mattis ut. Ut luctus congue sodales. Suspendisse ligula orci, placerat sit amet volutpat nec.
Lightbox Video
Ut sit amet ligula nisl, ut cursus velit. Quisque vulputate semper ante, sit amet egestas dui suscipit in. Morbi velit arcu, iaculis ut molestie ac, sollicitudin aliquam turpis. Nulla interdum.
Vimeo Video
Pellentesque nibh tortor, hendrerit ac fermentum ut, egestas id turpis. Nam pulvinar metus ac elit lobortis cursus. Quisque ut leo ipsum, in suscipit urna. Etiam feugiat tellus vel ipsum.
YouTube Video
Morbi malesuada faucibus ullamcorper. Nullam vel tortor a dolor condimentum hendrerit. Pellentesque vel nunc non leo ullamcorper adipiscing in vel odio.